
Celú predošlú noc sme prechádzali cez Zimbabwe, predposlednou krajinou na našej Touareg CapetoCape Tour. V úplnej tme bola naša cesta dosť obtiažna. Pre úzke cesty, často dosť vysoko nad terénom a nespevnené krajnice  bolo treba úplné sústr...edenie za volantom. Nákladné autá často jazdili uprostred cesty, aby si nezničili svoje pneumatiky, a tak nás občas vytláčali dolu z vozovky. Mnoho kráv a iných zvierat spalo na rôznych častiach vozovky, takže naše pneumatiky Goodyear boli naozaj potrebné - prosím, berte na vedomie, že sme prešli s týmito pneumatikami doteraz 16,000 km.
   To je aj dôvod, prečo Goodyear plánoval dopredu použitie týchto pneumatík. Nie len ľudia z Kühne + Nagel nás čakali na Juhoafrickej hranici, aby nám pomohli s prechodom cez hranice, ale aj miestny dealer Goodyear od Louis Trichardt nás čakal s novou sadou pneumatík Wrangler HP. Ale nepotrebovali sme jeho pomoc, keďže videl, že všetky namontované pneumatiky a tiež aj rezervné majú dostačujúci vzor, než by sme potrebovali na dokončenie cesty. Samozrejme - veľká vďaka za vstávanie a tiež za ponuku prezuť naše pneumatiky.
Ďalej sme sa presunuli k poslednej zastávke na dotankovanie paliva na našom turné. Tesne pred Pretóriou naši Touareg priatelia Dieter Holle, Nemec žijúci v Johannesburgu a jeho kolega Derick Joubert zo 4x4 Clubu South Africa čakali na nás o 7 hodine v nedeľu ráno. Bolo to naozaj pekné privítanie a dobrý vstup do srdca Johannesburgu.
   Konvoj týchto dvoch VW Touaregov nás sprevádzal po južnú hranicu, kde sa Dieter a Derick rozlúčili. Cesta na ďaleký juh je ešte dlhá. Krajina je krásna, ale viac než 1000 kilometrov sa vôbec nič nemení.
čoskoro dosiahneme Beaufort West, ktorý leží už v našej cieľovej oblasti, Westcape. Potom už pôjdeme priamo k najjužnejšiemu cípu Afriky, dlho očakávanému Cape Agulhas. Neskoro večer by sme sa mali dostať do cieľa - dúfajme! Viac prinesieme zajtra.
#capetocape #VWtouareg #rainerzietlow #nordkappcapeagulhas # challenge4
#worldrecord #norwaysouthafrica # HPC2C
   Viac na: www.touareg-capetocape.com
   Blog Matthias Prillwitz
   Fotky od užívateľa Marius Biela

The last night belonged to Zimbabwe, the second but last country on our Touareg CapetoCape Tour. The complete darkness of the night made our journey difficult. The small streets, often with high plateaus and brittle edges needed full concen...tration. Forthcoming trucks would often stay in the middle of the road to protect their tires, which forced us into the grove off the street sometimes. Many cows and other animals would also sleep on other parts of the road, so that our Goodyear tires were really required - please note that we´ve been driving with these tires for 16.000 km now.
That´s why Goodyear had planned ahead. Not only a Kühne+Nagel scout waited for us at the Soutafrican border to support us with the border proceedings, but also a local Goodyear dealer from Louis Trichardt waited for us with a new set of Wrangler HP. But his work was not demanded as he saw that all tires, the ones mounted and the spare ones, have more remaining tread depth as we would need, to complete the tour. Of course - thanks a lot for getting up that early and for the opportunity to change our tires.
So we proceeded to the last fuel stop of our tour. Right before Pretoria our Touareg friends Dieter Holle, a German living in Johannesburg, and his colleague Derick Joubert from the 4x4 Community South Africa waited for us at 7 a.m. on this Sunday morning. It was a really nice welcome and a good entry into the heart of Johannesburg.
The convoy of these two VW Touaregs accompanied us to the Southern boundary and Dieter and Derick said Goodbye. The way to the far South is still a long one. The landscape is beautiful but for more than 1000km it is not changing at all.
We will soon reach Beaufort West, which lies already in our target area, Westcape. Afterwards we´ll directly proceed to the most southern tip of Africa, the long-awaited Cape Agulhas. We will reach the finish later this evening - hopefully! More about that follows tomorrow.
#capetocape #VWtouareg #rainerzietlow #nordkappcapeagulhas #challenge4
#worldrecord #norwaysouthafrica #HPC2C
More on: www.touareg-capetocape.com
Blog by Matthias Prillwitz
Photos by Marius Biela

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